Power Modules
Power modules are the building blocks for all high power converters, providing the mechanical, thermal, and electrical interfaces necessary to connect power semiconductor die (chips) to the outside world. Power modules vary in size, shape, and construction based upon power rating and application requirements. IGBT, MOSFETs, diodes, and thyristors are configured in a huge variety of circuit topologies using advanced packaging technologies. Since inventing the first electrically isolated power module in 1975, Semikron Danfoss continues to be a leader in power semiconductor packaging.
All Power Modules
The entire Semikron Danfoss power module catalog. All current ratings and voltage classes in all available packages.
Power Modules by Chip Technology
Power modules organized by primary device type: IGBT, MOSFET, bipolar (diode/thyristor), in both silicon and silicon carbide.
Power Modules by Product Line
Power modules organized by Semikron Danfoss package/housing type. From the compact SEMITOP, to the universal SEMiX, to the highest power SEMITRANS.