Power Modules by Chip Technology
Power modules organized by primary device type: IGBT, MOSFET, bipolar (diode/thyristor), in both silicon and silicon carbide.
IGBT Modules
Silicon IGBT modules up to 1400A in voltage classes from 600V up to 1700V. A complete portfolio of modules covering every circuit and application. Advanced packaging technologies in high performance housings with multiple chip sources. The latest IGBT chip generations paired with advanced CAL diodes from Semikron Danfoss.
SiC Modules
Silicon carbide MOSFET modules and hybrid silicon/silicon carbide modules up to 600A in blocking voltages up to 1700V. A full portfolio of sixpack, half-bridge, buck/boost configurations for all applications. Industry standard packages equipped with the latest generation chips from multiple sources.
MOSFET Modules
Silicon MOSFET modules up to 335A in the 100V voltage class. Modules in the SEMITOP package offer best in class switching performance.
Thyristor/Diode Modules
Silicon rectifier diode and thyristor modules up to 1360A in blocking voltages up to 2200V. From the SEMITOP Classic to the proven SEMIPACK, a wide range of packages covering all phase control and rectifier applications.
Bridge Rectifier Modules
Silicon un-controlled, half-controlled and full-controlled bridge rectifier modules up to 700A in blocking voltages up to 2200V. Different phase configurations and brake options in various housings to pair with matching inverter modules.